...速接入; ﹡分类:ADSL(3km)、HDSL(3~5km)、 VDSL(1.5km); xDSL接入网的特点: HDSL:High Speed DSL(高速数字用户线) ADSL:Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line(非对称数字用户线) VDSL:Very High Speed DSL(甚高速数字用户线) 不同DSL接...
VDSL very high speed DSL 调整用户数字环路
very high speed DSL 调整用户数字环路
high speed dsl
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Line sharing is the practice of one carrier running high-speed DSL service on a phone line while a second carrier supplies regular phone service on the same line.
CNN: DSL carriers seek free use of phone wires
Even high-speed cable modems and DSL lines typically run at only one-fifth the speed needed for a full-size TV picture in real time.
FORBES: Steal This Movie
Personal computer users will reap the benefits of the high-speed connection only if they have DSL or cable modems.
CNN: Surfing at the speed of light