highest educational qualifications
... 最 高 教 育 经 历 highest educational qualifications 爱好与特长 hobbies and expertise 工 作 经 验 working experience ...
highest educational qualifications
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Gregory Rodriguez, a researcher at Pepperdine University, argues that foreign-born Hispanics have three advantages which help them make up for their lack of educational qualifications: the highest number of wage-earners per family of any ethnic group, the highest participation in the labour force, and stable families.
ECONOMIST: Immigration
In the 2001 census, nearly half of people in Glasgow Springburn said they did not have any educational qualifications - the fourth highest figure in the UK - and almost two thirds said they had no car - second only to neighbouring Shettleston.
BBC: Profile of Glasgow North East
The researchers say that once they had taken in to account other factors which can affect educational achievement and earnings and the individuals' highest qualifications, there was a link between maths and pay.
BBC: Maths skills add up to higher earnings, study finds