tramp over hill and dale 翻山越岭 ; 跋山涉水
up hill and dale 拚命地 ; 翻山越水 ; 是什么意思
hill and dale recording 垂直录声 ; 直录音深度刻录
over hill and dale 翻山越岭
trudge over hill and dale 跋涉山野
hill-and-dale 竖向 ; 深度
hill-and-dale recording 深划录音 ; [广播] 垂直录声
hill-and-dale route 横越分水线的道路
Standing on the hilltop, you can see beautiful flowers blanketing hill and dale.
Thus, tramping over hill and dale to cut firewood was the task of my elder brother and me.
Many a man has professed to me that his brain never works so well as when he is swinging along the high road or over hill and dale.
许多人对我宣扬, 他的头脑从来没有象他在公路上溜哒或翻山越谷时那么灵活。