loess hilly area 黄土丘陵区
the loess hilly area 黄土丘陵区
loess hilly gully area 黄土丘陵区
Loess hilly area of Ningxia 宁夏黄土丘陵区
hilly area of loess 黄土丘陵区
loess gulled-hilly area 黄土残塬沟壑区
ningxia loess hilly-gully area 宁南宽谷丘陵区
hilly area of loess plateau 黄土高原丘陵区
The sediment sources in the gully hilly loess area in southwest Shanxi Province, north China was studied.
West limestone dry stone mountain, central as the Loess Plateau hilly region and the Taiwan area, the eastern plains area, 731-1716 m above sea level in between.
Wind erosion is one of the most calamity weather phenomenon in loess hilly-gully area of Hebei Province, it often occurs in winter or spring.