Hired Gun 神秘杀手 ; 受雇枪手 ; 枪手 ; 雇佣兵
The hired gun 限制级杀手
a hired gun 雇用的枪手 ; 雇佣枪手
a hired gun detail 雇佣枪手
Hired d gun 受雇枪手
He believes it is important to boardroom effectiveness to be clear about who's the "hired gun", who runs the meeting, and who is holding the CEO accountable (for his or her actions).
The day he was shot, Duggan hired a people carrier from a taxi firm. Officers from the Met's Operation Trident, which investigates gun crime within the African-Caribbean community, followed it.
Being a career GSK man, he says, means he knows the firm intimately, and gives him an emotional bond that no "hired gun" could have.