No Historical Value 没什么历史价值
historical value theory 历史价值论
Poetics Historical Value 诗学史价值
literary historical value 文学史价值
cultural historical value 文化史价值
Has An Historical Value 就具有历史意义
origin of historical value 历史价值始点
As a kind of special Fu, Music Fu in Pre-Tang Dynasty has historical value of literature, music, aesthetic value and the literature aesthetic value.
参考来源 - 先唐音乐赋研究At present, as original information full of actual and historical value, archives information becomes a kind forward the national economy and social development.
参考来源 - 网络环境下档案信息资源整合研究This paper extracts some representative works to reflect the historical value of the travels through their recorded content.
参考来源 - 晚明游记的史料价值The epigraphs in the Tang Dynasty possess very important historical value in studying politics, economy, culture, military affairs and so on in the Tang Dynasty.
参考来源 - 新发现的唐日本人井真成墓志及初步研究As far as the cognition of historical value is concerned, he expounded emphatically the presupposition of the subject in epistemology of history.
参考来源 - 沃尔什历史认识的客观性问题研究As one of the first four histories, Chen Shou's History of three kingdoms not only obtains great historical achievement, but also brews perfect historical value.
参考来源 - 《三国志》及其史学价值Chapter four analyzes the historical value and practical significance of Yimeng "Red Sisters Spirit" from the perspective of historical theory.
参考来源 - “沂蒙红嫂”现象及其当代社会价值研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Why pay attention to one historical value but neglect others?
They never did. For their historical value, I've promised to give them to the British museum.
Royal power in this country was only a symbol of historical value and had no legislative significance.
Now, the historical value of the Exodus story has fascinated scholars, but also lay people, for generations.