2011-1-15 22 齐次函数 ( homogeneous function ): 如果对任意t>0,f(tx)=t k f(x),那么f(x)就是k 次齐次的。经济学中最重要的“次数”是零次 和一次。
... 齐性方程 homogeneous equation 齐性函数 homogeneous function 齐性理想 homogeneous ideal ...
positively homogeneous function [数] 正齐次函数
generalized homogeneous function 广义齐次函数
homogeneous function of order 阶齐次函数
homogeneous function with degreen 齐次生产函数
linear homogeneous function 线性均匀功能
euler formula for homogeneous function 齐次函数的欧拉公式
homogeneous demand function 齐次需求函数
homogeneous production function 齐次生产函数 ; 齐次出产函数
以上来源于: WordNet
The boundary integral equation in homogeneous media was dispersed into algebraic equations through the use of spline function.
NURBS curve equation has three kinds of the equivalence form, i. e. rational fraction, rational base function and homogeneous coordinate.
In particular, we use generalized Green's function to prove that the high-order nonhomogeneous boundary value problem has a solution when the associated homogeneous problem has a nontrivial solution.