infinite homogeneous medium 无限均匀介质
piecewise homogeneous medium 分区均匀介质
equivalent homogeneous medium 等效均匀介质
homogeneous isotropic medium 均质各向同性介质
homogeneous porous medium 均质孔隙介质
homogeneous turbid medium 均匀浊积介质
non-homogeneous porous medium 非均质多孔介质
Homogeneous chiral medium 均匀手征媒质
homogeneous random medium 均匀随机媒质
The propagation and transfotmation of GLB in a homogeneous medium is discussed.
Finite Element Technique based on Rayleigh-Ritz idea is used to solve wave propagation in non-homogeneous medium with variable velocities.
Then the displacement field in homogeneous medium is considered the result of the first iteration, and the displacement field is solved by this integral equation.