horned toad [脊椎] 角蟾 ; 角蜥
horned-toad dinosaur [古生] 角蟾龙
Horned Toad Baby 蟾蜍的宝宝
coast horned toad 冠状角蜥
Omei Horned Toad 峨眉角蟾
earless horned toad 沙坪无耳蟾
Shaping Horned Toad 沙坪角蟾
同义词: horned lizard horny frog
以上来源于: WordNet
N any small insectivorous burrowing lizard of the genus Phrynosoma, inhabiting desert regions of America, having a flattened toadlike body covered with spines: family Iguanidae (iguanas) 角蟾