Host cell 宿主细胞 ; 宿指胞 ; 寄主细胞
Host Cell Protein 宿主细胞蛋白 ; 中宿主细胞蛋白 ; 细胞宿主蛋白
host cell reactivation 寄主细胞复活作用 ; 宿主细胞再活化反应 ; 用宿主细胞反应 ; 宿主细胞反应
Host Cell Factor 宿主细胞因子
Host cell reaction 进行宿主细胞反应 ; 宿主细胞反应
virus induced host-cell-antigen 病毒诱导宿主细胞抗原 ; 簿诱导宿主细胞抗原
Cell Host & Microbe 宿主与微生物 ; 细胞宿主与微生物 ; 细胞
Host cell pathways as therapeutic 作为艾滋病病毒的治療靶点的宿主细胞路径
Martin has shown that, of the eukaryotic genes whose ancestry can be traced, 75 per cent or more came from bacteria rather than the host cell.
The viral DNA is injected through the tail into the host cell, where it directs the production of progeny phages.
The proteins are used to create new cells or perform necessary functions within the host cell or organism.
So, when the right signal is received, the right T-cell finds your host cell with a foreign virus in it, the first thing that happens is that this T-cell becomes activated and it starts reproducing, making more copies of itself.
所以 当接收到正确的信号,恰当的T细胞寻觅到,感染外源病毒的细胞时,首先发生的是,T细胞被激活并开始增殖,制造更多自身拷贝