hot-cure foam 热熟化泡沫塑料
hot-cure molded polyurethane foam 热熟化聚氨酯模塑泡沫塑料
hot cure 加工处理
hot air cure 热空气硫化
hot salt cure 热盐腌肉法
hot-water cure 热水治疗
hot water cure 热水硫化
hot creep cure 热处治
hot-spring cure 温泉疗法
hot-air steam cure 热气蒸化硫化
Coca Cola is a cold beverage but it is served as a hot one in different countries as a cure for cold.
'Mild inebriation can cause pain relief... hence the hot toddy and brandy cure,' she says.
Clearly, hot lines are no cure for the problem of drug abuse.