Hot Pants 热裤 ; 短裤 ; 超短裤 ; 短裤短裙
Cuboy Hot Pants 盒子先生快快跑 ; 盒子先生逃离火山 ; 盒子先生的小热裤
hot-pants 热裤 ; 贴身短裤
Stud Point Hot Pants 螺柱点热裤
Lantern Style Hot Pants 中腰灯笼热裤
Pants Overalls Hot Pants Jeans 裤子类
Light Denim Hot Pants PTS-D 哈哈笑牛仔裤
Hot pants need no explanation, but even dressier shorts with jackets to match are inappropriate in corporate America.
They may no longer wear hot pants, but they sometimes break into song.
The self-styled “Cameron girls” launched a valiant but ultimately doomed bid to emulate the hot pants-wearing “Obama girl” who helped sweep the president into the White House.