hot potato 烫手山芋 ; 使人厌恶的事 ; 棘手的问题 ; 户外特工
a hot potato 烫手山芋 ; 辣手的问题 ; 棘手的事情
The Hot Potato 完整分镜本 ; 烫手山芋
drop like a hot potato 急忙抛弃 ; 尽快地断绝关系
Hot-potato Routing 热马铃薯路由选择
Pass the Hot Potato 传土豆游戏
hot potato algorithm 烫山芋算法
handle a hot potato 处理难题
Hot-potato 热马铃薯法
But as volume increased, traders started to buy and resell them in what the report calls a "hot potato" effect.
Eventually those dollars will come home, they have to, as a function of math. In the meantime, passing the buck like a hot potato does not work.