Get hot under the collar 发怒 ; 为不重要的事生气 ; 怒气冲天 ; 气得脸红脖子粗
Hot under the collar 发怒的 ; 怒气冲天 ; 怒气冲冲 ; 气得要争吵的
Be hot under the collar 心烦意乱 ; 发怒 ; 勃然大怒 ; 火冒三丈
He got very hot under the collar when I asked him where he'd been all day.
But I'd asked for the ride, and there was no point in getting hot under the collar because I didn't think the way he did.
If you're careful to get arrested for a misdemeanor that gets older people hot under the collar, the net result will always be a public-relations win.