安全:该系统为长时间不间断运行系统,应支持热部署(hot deploy)和热配置(hot configuration),即在不停止应用服务器的情况下重新部署和新配置即时生效.能无缝部署在双机热备系统中.
Enable hot deploy where it will shorten the development feedback loop or support frameworks that enable hot deploy.
You are now asked to either restart Tomcat or click the link Hot deploy myportlets-fileupload portlet application.
现在,系统会提示您或者重启 Tomcat,或者单击链接 Hot deploy myportlets-fileupload portlet application。
We suggest you click the link Hot deploy myportlets-fileupload portlet application. The portlet is then loaded as shown in Figure 1.
我们建议您单击链接hot deploy myportlets - fileupload portlet application。