Bargh教授的另一个实验中,他们假借让被试者评价冰袋(ice pad)或暖手宝(hot pad)产品效果的名义,让被试者使用这些产品进行打分。然后,为了感谢他们,让他们挑选礼物:可以自己选一杯饮料,也可以选择赠券给朋友。
One way to remind yourself of the hazard is to carry around a hot pad or potholder.
专家表示,试着自己灭火可能会让自己受伤或是让火情更严重。 德仁根贝格在一次电话采访中告诉记者,提醒自己注意这一风险的办法之一是随身携带一块隔热垫或防烫套垫。
In a second experiment, people who briefly handled a therapeutic hot pad instead of an ice pack were more likely to later select a gift for a friend rather than themselves.
A second experiment followed a similar pattern except participants were asked to rate a hot or iced therapeutic pad, and then to choose a reward for their time.