... 请问登机口怎么走 Gate way 请问这条路怎么走 How to get the road ; How does this road go 请问到车站怎么走的 Could you direct me to the station, please ...
Very quickly, the conference's unofficial theme became how to get average people-like my road-running companions-to open up to science once again.
There's a wonderful book by my former colleague, Geoffrey Parker, called The Spanish Road, which talked about how difficult it was for the Spanish to get troops all the way to the Netherlands.
我之前的同事 杰弗里·帕克,写了一本非常好的书,叫做《西班牙之路》,讲述了西班牙是怎么样艰苦地,将军队派遣到荷兰去的