...也必须压抑我的渴望自由的心 » Therefore, I must also curb my longing to be free of heart 那她怎么说 » How to say that she 你来这做什么 » What are you doing ..
If a graphic designer primarily works on restaurant menus, she should be able to say how a menu can be used to push a specific dish, as well as details that have less to do with the design.
比如说作为一名主要为餐厅 设计菜单的平面设计师,她就应该具备向客户说明一份菜单如何才能用来推销某种特定菜肴的能力,说明的内容还要包含那些与设计不是很相关的细节。
"How many people in a position like that would reach back to a high school teacher and say, 'I'd like you to be there?'" she says.
How could her mother have lether run up that debt, and why didn't she try to make her daughter transfer to, say, the best school in the much cheaper state university system in New York?