包孕父亲节(fathers’day)、妈妈节(mothers’day)、恋人节(valentines’day)和拥抱节(hugging day)。这些节日教诲的共同特点是寓教于乐,本文撷取一些有代表性的、对我国幼儿教诲有开导和借鉴意义的节日活动加以阐述。
Do you have moments throughout the day when you feel great as a parent? When your kids are happy, you are happy, you are all hugging, laughing and kissing one other?
We are carried if we want to be, in hugging arms, but we can pull ourselves up, reach things, and creep away from where we’re put: every day more confident, stronger, keener-eyed.
如果想要的话,可以让怀抱的手臂托着我们,但我们也可以自己出力,伸手够触,一旦放下就会爬开。 每天我们都变得更自信,更强壮,更敏锐。
Individuals cannot become infected through ordinary day-to-day contact such as kissing, hugging, shaking hands, or sharing personal objects, food or water.