human factor [经管] 人的因素 ; [管理] 人员因素 ; 人为因素 ; 人因素
human factor engineering 人类因素工程学 ; 人因工程 ; 人类工程学 ; 工效学
human factor data 人的因素数据
Climate and the Human Factor 气候与人为因素
human factor psychology 人的因素心理学
Human Factor International 人因国际
Human Factor VIII 第八因子相关抗原
Human Factor & Design QA 高级用户研究员
Human error may have been a contributing factor.
One is that people's capacity to outwit other species, not their aggressiveness, appears to be the dominant factor in human survival.
For example, you can't avoid the human factor — people sometimes change their minds about what they want.