人类进化 - Human Evolutionary Biology 近代东方语言与文明 - Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations ..
心理学专业英语词汇(H) ... human factor 人的因素 human factor data 人的因素数据 human factor engineering 人类因素工程学 ...
Master of Human Evolutionary Biology 人类进化生物学硕士
"Most people today think barefoot running is dangerous and hurts," Daniel Lieberman, a professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard University, said in a prepared statement.
“如今大部分人都会认为光脚跑步不仅危险还很疼”,Daniel Lieberman哈佛大学人类进化生物学教授,在一份预先准备的声明中说。
The study of our human nature encompasses a variety of fields ranging from anthropology, primatology, cognitive science and psychology to paleontology, archaeology, evolutionary biology and genetics.