【正文快照】: 人情味新闻(Human Interest story)是美国报纸的一种特殊新闻体裁,深受读者青睐。从开始出现,就显示了它的生命力,一直绵延至今,仍在报纸上保留着它应有的地位。
story of human interest 故事富有人情味
以上来源于: WordNet
There are something worthy of affirming and learning in American human interest story, and in some civil news reports in our civil newspapers since the new period.
A feature story is an essay written by a journalist or news reporter on varied subjects of human interest.
A "feature" is a story with limited hard news value that is still worthy of being featured on television. Examples of this type of story are festivals, parades and "good news" human-interest stories.