由于一路打过来剩下的选手个个(All)都是身经百战(Hundreds of battles),妙手中的能手,无论谁胜谁负都不是一件让人感觉不料的事。而此刻,人生活在世界上,都是在自觉不自觉的写书。
I play this too long, and the game in terms of "hundreds of battles," is definitely there, have seen many players of different ability levels, no harm to sum up.
Nearby hundreds of riot police had tried to move crowds who had gathered on Piccadilly Gardens, leading to running battles with youngsters wearing masks and hoods.
附近,数百防暴警察试图驱赶皮卡·迪利花园广场(Pic cadilly Gardens)上聚集的人群,引发与戴面罩和帽兜的年轻人的长时间冲突。
Already, the annual death toll from battles over water and grazing in the badlands of south Somalia, southern Ethiopia and northern Kenya is in the hundreds.