KCR hung hom Station 红磡火车站
kcr-hung hom station 最近的车站
Hung Hom Station Bus Terminus 红磡站巴士总站
Hung Hom Fire Station 红磡消防局
hung hom railway station 到最近的车站
hung hom kcrc train station 最近的车站
hung hom mtr train station 到最近的车站
以上来源于: WordNet
This train departs Lo Wu Line Hung Hom Station shortly before 7:30p. m. bound for the city of Guangzhou.
Right after the train is stopped, MTR 62 uncouples with KTT immediately and moves further forward to Traverser and leaves Hung Hom Station.
列车停车后mtr 62号机随即与九广通列车解除连结,驶前往调车台离开红磡站。
Our subsidiary also operates duty free liquor and tobacco, cosmetics, perfume, packaged food and general merchandise at Lok Ma Chau Station, Lo Wu Station and Hung Hom Station.