husked rice 极粗糙米
husked rice separation [粮食] 谷糙分离
clean husked rice [粮食] 净糙
Other husked rice 其它糙米
long-grain glutinous husked rice 籼糯糙米
husked rice in paddy 谷外糙米
husked rice separator [粮食] 谷糙分离设备
husked rice milk 糙米奶
If we are to benefit from eating rice, we must eat boiled or steamed rice, not uncooked or husked rice.
Making merit by giving material things for future material gains is a good thing to do, but it is like husked rice, which is of use only for growing seedlings.
Rice milling machine is a special machine for determining white rice yield from husked rice, it is also used for whitening kernels.