...据自动生成方法,该方法对遗传算法(Generic Algo- rithm,GA)进行了一定的改进,并以改进的混合遗传算法(Hybrid Generic Algorithm,HGA)作为核心算法驱动目标路径的测试数据 生成,以提高嵌入式软件的测试数据自动生成能力.
hybrid function generic algorithm 混合函数遗传算法
Through embedding a gradient descend operator into the generic algorithm, a hybrid algorithm is achieved with fast convergence and great probability for global optimization.
Methods To optimize error backward propagation algorithm by using generic algorithm, to combine these two methods together to create hybrid algorithm.
方法用遗传算法(GA)优化误差反向传播( BP) 算法,两者结合构成混合算法。