hydrogenated oil [有化] 氢化油 ; 氢化植物油 ; 加氢基础油 ; 硬化油
Partially Hydrogenated Oil 部份氢化油 ; 氢化油
edible hydrogenated oil [食品] 食用氢化油
Hydrogenated Castor Oil 氢化蓖麻油 ; 氢化篦麻油 ; 保湿
Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil 氢化菜油 ; 氢化棕榈油 ; 植物性保湿成分
Hydrogenated Palm Oil 氢化棕榈油 ; 植物乳化油
hydrogenated soybean oil 氢化大豆油 ; 氢化豆油
HYDROGENATED COCONUT OIL 氢化椰子油 ; 氢化椰油 ; 氢化可可油
Castor Oil Hydrogenated 氢化蓖麻油
If partially hydrogenated oil appears near the beginning of the list, the food contains more trans fat than if the ingredient is low on the list.
Sodium is in every food category, and it is more difficult to replace than the partly hydrogenated oil that composes trans fats, or than sugars, because there are easy substitutes for oils and sugars.
They are in fried foods, fast foods, commercially baked goods, such as peanut butter and items prepared with partially hydrogenated oil, margarine and vegetable oil.