hypothermal medicine 低温医学
hypothermal ablation 低温消融
hypothermal differential centrifugation 低温差速离心法
Hypothermal storage 低温对照
hypothermal deposit [地质] 高温热液矿床 ; 深成热液矿床
hypothermal case 降温盒
hypothermal area 低温热区
hypothermal bed 降温床
ADJ of, relating to, or characterized by hypothermia 低体温的 (See also hypothermic)
Objective To explore the cooling effects of intravenous drip of hypothermal liquid on the patients with burn and high fever.
Conclusion the intravenous drip of hypothermal liquid is effective and safe for the patients of burn and high fever. It is the preferred cooling method for these patients.
Clinical Study on prevention of the postoperative gastrointestinal tumors from intraperitoneal relapse by intraperitoneal chemotherapy through hypothermal hypotonic perfusion.