I'm so close to you 我和你是如此亲近
Rebecca: Mark, Mike. Pretty close. I'm Rebecca. I hate waste, as well. So what are you going to do tonight? What about a drink in my place?
I'm going to lock you in the closet so that you can spend some quality, close-up time together.
The couch was too close to the window and mine is broken so there is a draft. I'm looking out for you pal.
Ah, n times, because for each value of i, I'm going to do that m thing, n*m so that is, close to what you said, right?
I mean probably those of you-- I mean I can see you people squirming right now when I--just at the mention of that-- so I'm not going to go through the process of having you close your eyes and imagine eating the cockroach.