I'm so tired 我好累 ; 我太累了 ; 我这么累 ; 我好累啊
But I'm so tired 但我真的很累
Oh I'm so tired 我好累哦
Writes I'm so tired 写得我累死
I'm so tired I sleep 我好累啊我要睡觉了
I'm so tired ah 我好累啊 ; 我好累呀
Attached to I'm so tired 贴到我好累
I'm So Tired Tired Now 我现在很累
Lately I'm so tired 一切为时以晚
Great! I'm so tired these days.
My head aches and I ache all over because I'm so tired.
I'm so tired for I work 11 hours every day.
I'm so tired that my knees are shaking.
Eventually, presumably, so it seems to me, you'd end up saying, " "I'm really tired of crossword puzzles."
So just to reinforce this, I could run gcc math2.c but I'm getting a little tired of this a.out convention and recall that there's this utility called "make" that right now doesn't really improve much, other than give it a better name.