...侥幸色:淡深红色 侥幸花:秋海棠 侥幸日:礼拜二 侥幸数字:3,5 落陷行星:天王星 弱势行星:月球 星座句诀:我想要(I Desire) 星座字决:发生、创立、仳离 特性:有足够的精神和胆识,不惧困难。
宫位涵义:死亡 人生法则:火凤凰 自然元素:阴性水象 基本能力:透视力 守护行星:冥王星 自我宣言:我渴望(I DESIRE) 守护神:地狱之王普尔德 幸运石:猫眼石 射手座(Sagittarius): 11月22日~12月21日 每年九月,在南方地平附近,与天蝎座遥遥相望...
All I Desire 凤还巢 ; 母心
I desire to get you 我想让你 ; 我渴望得到你 ; 我希望得到你
So I desire you would 所以我想你们会 ; 所以
you are all i desire 你是我所有的渴望
That's what I desire 这就是我的心愿
Be the dream I desire 爆炸小米花
I desire to target 渴望我目标
I Desire A 我渴求一种
I desire to engage in exercise and I value exercise extrinsically .
I desire to engage in exercise and I value exercise extrinsically, not for its own sake, but as a means to something beyond it.
I desire you to set to work at once.
He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire.
VOA: special.2009.05.16
But I would suggest to you that home is absolutely crucial to the production of this desire. And I want to point you to page 26.
If you would like to express such desire which I assume most of you have to somebody else,