... 我能听到你那边的声音 I can hear you voice 我依旧能听到你的声音 I still hear your voice 我现在听到了你的声音 I Hear You Now ...
... but i can be there for you now 现在的我不能陪在你身边 i hear you now 我听你说 i need you now 我现在需要你 ...
I can hear you now 我现在依然记得
How can I hear you now when I couldn't hear you then?
I hear you now saying, "What has inner detachment to do with success?" Isn't detachment a state of indifference? How can one attain success with such a state of mind?
Tom, I hear you are a father now, congratulations!
Well, now as you will hear on several occasions over the course of the semester, I'm a philosopher.
Now I think you may be rather happy to hear that this is the last time --I'm pretty sure that this is the last time - that we will have to discuss, at least at any length, Milton's worries about his unreadiness and his un-preparation.
I want to hear now, finally, from those of you who think even with consent, even with a lottery, even with a final murmur of consent by Parker, at the very last moment, it would still be wrong.