我发现 我的名字 不在了 » I found that my name does not appear in the 我喜欢拍照 » I like to take photo 能不能跟我说,你的誓言是真的? » Can you tell me that your oath is really?
"If she doesn't like it, I would love to take a new photo," he said.
Would you like to take a photo with me 2. Could you please take a photo for me 3. May I take a photo for you?
英语翻译1。你能和我一起拍张照片吗? 2。你能帮我拍张照片吗? 3。我可以为你拍张照片吗?
She said, "Let's go and see the crocodile. I would like to take a photo of them with my new camera."