我的大运 » I am the Universiade 我是真的喜欢你 的一切 » I really like you all 中国人注重集体意识而美国人把个人注意摆在第一位 » The collective consciousness of the Chinese people and Americans to pay...
I believe if you are asking yourself questions about life then you are on your way to enlightenment and living each day in bliss which really is how we would all like to spend our days.
First of all,I want you to know that I really like working for this company. Do you think I`m doing a good job here?
But I really have no idea what you are like at all, I don't even know your real name! I only know three things about you.
And then when you are out in nature, you can be really like I could die, you know, look at Katrina, look at all these things.
Everyone is looking like this is i bet you all know really.