They are my glove 我就会这一句 » I will be this one 我们问过好几次什么时候能收到那70%回款 » We asked several times when it can receive 70% reimbursement ..
I hope there will be time to talk a bit—or at least ask you about one or two things this evening.
"He was one of the most innovative and incredible men ever. I will not be the only one to shed a few tears over this news," wrote another.
So yet once more — and I promise this will be one of the last times that we look back at Milton's mask - but yet once more, let's look at Comus.
So yet once more -- and I promise this will be one of the last times that we look back at Milton's mask - but yet once more, let's look at Comus.
Double that, times by two, this is the money I will be making in one month.
If you're not taking notes in this lecture, you have to write down at least one sentence. You must write this down because this will be the most important thing I say all morning: Milton's Paradise Lost is the first narrative poem in English that didn't rhyme.