...分析与架构设计,参与研发的永中Office获得国家863重大专项、十二五核高基重大专项,IBM Cloud Computing Center (云计算中心)Blue Cloud System (蓝云系统)研发工程师,该团队在全球首次实现将云计算系统商业化运营。主持设计智慧校园管理运行平台。
In June of 2008, IBM announced Africa's first cloud computing center.
In February of 2008, IBM announced plans to establish the first cloud computing center in China, in Wuxi, called the China cloud.
在2008年2月,IBM宣布计划在中国无锡建立第一个云计算中心China Cloud。
In July of 2008, IBM started announcing plans to establish a new data center at its research facility the North Carolina data center - and to use it to sell cloud computing services to its clients.
在2008年7月,IBM宣布计划在它的研究机构建立一个新的数据中心North Carolina Data Center,使用它向客户销售云计算服务。