ice up 结冰 ; 冻上冰 ; 结上一层冰
to ice up 结冰
ice up process 结冰过程
breaking up ice run 防撞破凌
store up ice 积冰
ice freeze up date 封冻日期
date of ice break up 解冻日期
同义词: ice up frost over ice over
以上来源于: WordNet
Behind us, the Stockholm, an island in itself, nosed into the ice almost up to the stern.
As the climate warms (up) the ice caps will melt.
What's up with ice cream headaches?
And one day so I was eating my ice-cream because the archives were closed, and this woman came up, and she was probably about fity, or something like that, and she ordered ice-cream, and so this guy says, "Well, Madame whatever, Madame Dupuis, you remember that day don't you, when the Germans came back?" And she said, "Oh I sure do, they hung my husband from that pole."