iced coffee 冰咖啡 ; 冰咖色 ; 冰镇咖啡 ; 冻咖啡
Iced Coffee Float 漂浮冰咖啡 ; 日式冰淇淋咖啡 ; 飘浮冰咖啡 ; 漂泊冰咖啡
Honey iced coffee 蜂蜜冰咖啡 ; 蜜蜂冰咖啡 ; 喷鼻蕉摩卡冰咖啡
Spiced Iced Coffee 香料冰咖啡
Royal Iced Coffee 皇家冰咖啡
Iced Coffee Shades 三合一冰咖啡
Mint Iced Coffee 百合冰咖啡 ; 薄荷冰咖啡
Peach Liqueur Iced Coffee 库巴冰咖啡
Almond Milk Iced Coffee 罗马冰咖啡
Special Iced Coffee 特调冰咖啡 ; 特制冰咖啡
The fact that there is an iced coffee on the market with over a quarter of a woman's daily calories allowance is alarming.
In one recent study at Yale,researchers divided 41 college students into two groups and casuallyasked the members of Group A to hold a cup of hot coffee, those inGroup B to hold iced coffee.
你说一个人热心可爱,而不是冷漠? 耶鲁大学最近的一项研究中,研究人员把41个大学生分成两组,随机的让A组拿热咖啡,B组拿冰咖啡。