实姓名(Name): *密码(Password): *确认密码(Confirm Password): *性别(Gender): 男-Male女-Female 身份证(ID Number): *手机号码(Mobile): *电子邮箱(Email): 验 证 码: 我已阅读并同意《良渚君澜度假酒店服务条款》 良渚君澜度假酒店版权所...
... That’s OK / That’s all right / You’re welcome 不用谢 ID number 身份证号码 look at 看 ...
Tax ID Number 付税ID号 ; 申请联邦报税号码 ; 税号码
FEDERAL TAX ID NUMBER 联邦税号 ; 美国公司联邦税号
No ID number 没有识别号码吗
cartridge ID number 胶卷盒编号
ID - number 身份证号码
My ID number is 我的身份证号码是 ; 我的身份证号是
truck id number 载重车识别号
Product's ID Number 要输入产品序列号
When lost pets are brought to animal shelters, people there use a special tool to look for the microchip and read the ID number on it, then they'll call the microchip company to match the number to the information of the pet's owner.
Get the ID number of the lost pet.
The microchip is usually placed under the skin of an animal's shoulder to keep its ID number.
It's like you have a social security number or other ID number, which positively--there might be another person with the same name as you, God forbid, but you at least have your own number, which is guaranteed to be unique to you.