identity card 凭借书证 ; 居民身份证 ; 证件号
identity card no 身份证号码
agent identity card 代理人身分证明名牌
International Student Identity Card 国际学生证 ; ISIC国际学生证
refugee identity card 难民身分证
perforated identity card 已打孔身分证
national identity card 国家身份证 ; 国民身份证 ; 彩色
consular corps identity card 领事团身分证 ; 领事团身份证
Identity card number 身份证号码 ; 身份证号
New members will be issued with a temporary identity card.
The system might use a smart identity card, or a digital credential linked to a specific computer and would authenticate users at a range of online services.
He showed his identity card and went in.