Identity element 单位元 ; [数] 恒等元素 ; 识别元
right identity element [数] 右幺元 ; 右么元
left identity element 左幺元 ; 左单位 ; 左么元
bearer capacity identity element 承载能力标示单元
adjunction of an identity element 单位元的附加
identity element for addition 找出加法的元素
identity element for multiplication 找出乘法的元素
It USES a sophisticated identity matcher to generate keys that are then matched up between the models so the element IDs can be migrated forward.
Another option is to use a run-as element to specify that a run-as identity be used to invoke the bean's methods as we show later in this article.
另一个选项是使用run - as元素来指定用于调用Bean的方法run - as标识(请参见本文后面的相关内容)。
The security-identity element specifies the security identity to be used to invoke methods in SimpleSessionBean.
security-identity 元素指定用于调用 SimpleSessionBean 中的方法的安全标识。