abstract:Idol Gives Back is the name of a charitable campaign that spanned two episodes of American Idol during its sixth season. A second Idol Gives Back concert and fundraiser occurred on April 9, 2008, during the seventh season of the show.
She appeared on shows like "IdolGives Back" asCyrus, but true name recognition came with scandal: a Vanity Fair spread featuring the15-year-oldseeminglywrappedonlyinabedsheet.
And the success of drives such as the "American Idol" campaign, "Idol GivesBack, " show the public doesn't mind programming that both entertains and inspires generosity.
IdolGivesBack, a two-day televised charity event sponsored by Fox, American Idol, and Charity Projects Entertainment Fund to help children and young people in extreme poverty here in the United States and Africa, views malaria as a gateway issue, Edlund said.