ignition point [物] 燃点 ; 点燃点 ; 发火点
asphalt ignition point tester 沥青燃点测试器
Spontaneous ignition point [化学] 自燃点
self-ignition point 自燃点 ; 自燃温度
lowest ignition point 最低着火点
Flashingpoint and Ignition point 闪点和燃点
IP Ignition Point 燃点 ; 盼望点
Ignition-point 发火点
If it is too dark to see what you are doing, use a flashlight rather than pulling the fireworks closer to see the ignition point.
By means of speeding up the aging of the EIP and transient pulse test, the temperature-rising curve of EIP, the variation of the ignition pressure and 50% ignition point are obtained.
This space pen is made of metal, and the ink has a much higher ignition point than regular ink.