科技词典字母I40页 ... ignorecharacter作废符 取消符 ignorecharacterblock抹除符号组 ignorecode忽略码 无作用码 ...
An element usually consists of two tags, a start tag and an end tag, each of which is bracketed by an open and a close. XML is case sensitive and does not ignore white space.
If you want to ignore case sensitivity on searches every time you enter a vi session, you can add the line set ignorecase to the.exrc file in your home directory.
如果希望每次进入vi会话时都启用不区分大小写的搜索,那么在主目录中的. exrc文件中添加set ignorecase行。
In the case of BPA and other chemicals of its sort though their increasing prevalence and a number of human studies that associate them with developmental issues have become too worrisome to ignore.