...激计划,向新能源领域注资5万亿元人民币(合7510亿美元)。此举将进一步改写全球市场的格局。美国剑桥能源咨询公司(IHS Cera)驻北京副总监周希舟表示,新能源刺激计划经过不断修改,覆盖面逐步扩大,现在不仅包括可再生能源和电动车,还包括所有对于当今中...
But from "well to wheels", counting emissions from cars' exhaust pipes, tar sands are only 5-15% dirtier, says IHS CERA.
但剑桥能源咨询公司认为,如果是以“从油井到车轮”的方式,只计算汽车排气管排出的二氧化碳量,从油砂中提取石油只增加了5 ~ 15%的排放量。
According to K. F. Yan, director of IHS Cera in Beijing, the stockpiling will be particularly pronounced because reserves were run down last year.
美国剑桥能源咨询公司(IHS Cera)在北京的主管严克风表示,中国战略储备的影响将特别显著,因为去年调用了一部分储备。
Jim Burkhard of IHS Cera, a consultancy, notes that OECD oil demand peaked in 2005 and has been slipping since in response to the upward march of prices.