... 他总是很幸运 » He is always very lucky 时运不佳 » Ill-fated 你可以帮父母倒垃圾 » You can help the parents refuse ...
Ill Fated 被诅咒的命运
The ill-fated girl 卿何薄命
The ill-fated woman 暴雨梨花
Not an ill-fated lady 红颜非薄命
And ill-fated arrows 不幸的宿命
The Ill-Fated Fish 倒霉的鱼儿
"an ill-fated business venture"
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ If you describe something as ill-fated, you mean that it ended or will end in an unsuccessful or unfortunate way. 倒霉的; 注定以失败告终的
...the ill-fated merger between AOL and Time Warner.
If the banks opt to pull the rug from under the ill-fated project, it will go into liquidation.
John clapped his hands on the ill-fated pirate's mouth to stifle the dying groan.
Scott and his crew stayed at the hut before their ill-fated Terra Nova expedition to the South Pole in January 1912.
在1912年1月,斯科特和他的船员在命运不佳的 Terra Nova 探险队前往南极之前,他们一直住在那个小木屋里。