播放预览动画时,“播放预览”(Playblast)将以“渲染设置”(Render Settings)的“图像文件输出”(Image File Output)设置中指定的格式输出一系列的单个帧。有关详细信息,请参见手册的“渲染”部分。
Output Image File 输出栅格文件名称
This command will change the default image map file into a format that's easier to use and redirect the output to the coords file.
For example, you could have the output of each node embedded in an image file and stored on a Web server, ready to be fetched by the next hop in the network.
比如说,您可以将各节点的输出嵌入到一个图像文件中并将其存储在 Web 服务器上,以供网络的下一层获取。
When you compile a project that contains a resource file, Visual Studio compiles this.resx file into a.resources file and then links it inside the physical image of the resulting output assembly.
如果您编译一个包含资源文件的项目,Visual studio会将该. resx文件编译为. resources文件,然后将它链接到所得到输出程序集的物理图像的内部。