social impact theory 社会作用理论 ; 社会影响理论 ; 理论
newton's impact theory 牛顿撞豁论
meteoritic impact theory [天] 陨石冲击说
newton's s impact theory 牛顿撞豁论
impact wear theory 撞击磨损理论
impact wave theory 冲击波动理论
The impact-conduction theory 冲击一传导学悦
The SP mill dynamics model rigid and flexibility with clearance was built using finite element and impact theory.
"If the whole moon has the amount of water equivalent to what we analysed, then the giant impact theory is in a little trouble, " says Saal.
Panel Method was used for subsonic aerodynamic analysis, and the Modified Newtonian Impact Theory was used for hypersonic aerodynamic analysis.
On the other hand, the psychological theory of behaviorism has had a huge impact and I think a lot of people's ways of thinking about criminal justice and criminal law has been shaped by behaviorist principles.