Impaired Memory 记忆力障碍 ; 记忆障碍
Impaired Glucose Tolerance 糖耐量受损 ; 糖耐量减低 ; 糖耐量异常 ; 糖耐量低减
ImPaired Skin Integrity 皮肤完整性受损 ; 肤质完备性受损
ImPaired Tissue Integrity 组织完整性受损 ; 性受损 ; 社团完备性受损
Impaired Physical Mobility 躯体移动障碍 ; 身体移动障碍 ; 身躯移动停滞 ; 躯体移动停滞
impaired fasting glucose 空腹血糖受损 ; 空腹血糖调节受损 ; 包括空腹血糖受损
impaired assets 受损害资产 ; 确认减值资产
impaired glucose regulation 糖调节受损 ; 称为糖调节受损 ; 糖调节异常 ; 葡萄糖调节受损
ImPaired Adjustment 调节障碍 ; 调治停滞
V-T If something impairs something such as an ability or the way something works, it damages it or makes it worse. 损害 [正式]
Consumption of alcohol impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery.
impaired ADJ 受损的
The blast left him with permanently impaired hearing.
Nowadays we say someone is 'speech-impaired', not dumb.
His hearing is somewhat impaired.
Short-term memory is impaired, so are abilities to make decisions and to concentrate.
You have elevated insulin levels, you have high fasting plasma glucose, so the blood sugar that we talked about before, impaired glucose tolerance, and an elevated triglyceride levels, low HDL cholesterol, , and hypertension.