in and out bolt 贯穿螺栓
Dropping out this time is the track athlete who won over fans in Beijing: Jamaican Usain Bolt, who sprinted to three world records at the Games and has continued breaking them since.
这次未能参赛的是在北京奥运会上一举成名的牙买加选手博尔特(Usain Bolt)。他在比赛中刷新了三项世界纪录,并在此后的赛事中延续了这种势头。
Down the exit corridor and out the bolt-hole he raced until he stood, gasping for breath, in the jungle a quarter of a mile from the installation.
He knew it bored me to death to sit in the office with the boring part of my work, and that I would rather bolt out of the office at every opportunity to do fieldwork, thus avoiding this bore.